Tuesday, October 6, 2015

CDOT Tips: Network Troubleshooting

Here are some essential commands for digging into your CDOT network configuration:

How to show the status of your physical and virtual ports:
>net port show –node node1
Node   Port   Role         Link   MTU Admin/Oper  Admin/Oper Admin/Oper
------ ------ ------------ ---- ----- ----------- ---------- ------------
       a0a    data         up    1500  true/-     auto/full   auto/10000
              data         up    1500  true/-     auto/full   auto/10000
       a0b    data         down  9000  true/-     auto/-      auto/-
       e0M    node-mgmt    up    1500  true/true  full/full   auto/1000
       e0a    cluster      up    9000  true/true  full/full   auto/10000
       e0b    data         up    1500  true/true  full/full   auto/10000
       e0c    cluster      up    9000  true/true  full/full   auto/10000
       e0d    data         up    1500  true/true  full/full   auto/10000

How to show detailed info of a specific port:
>net port show –node node1 –port a0b
                         Port: a0b
                           Role: data
                           Link: down
                            MTU: 9000
Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true
   Auto-Negotiation Operational: -
     Duplex Mode Administrative: auto
        Duplex Mode Operational: -
           Speed Administrative: auto
              Speed Operational: -
    Flow Control Administrative: full
       Flow Control Operational: -
                    MAC Address: 02:a0:98:5b:40:17
              Up Administrative: true
                      Port Type: if-group
    Interface Group Parent Node: -
    Interface Group Parent Port: -
          Distribution Function: ip
                  Create Policy: multimode_lacp
               Parent VLAN Node: -
               Parent VLAN Port: -
                       VLAN Tag: -
               Remote Device ID: -

How to show the MAC addresses of all your ports:
>port show -node  node1 -fields mac
node               port mac
------------------ ---- -----------------
eg-si-clsn-e01-h02 a0a  02:a0:98:5b:40:16
eg-si-clsn-e01-h02 a0a-2003 02:a0:98:5b:40:16
eg-si-clsn-e01-h02 a0b  02:a0:98:5b:40:17
eg-si-clsn-e01-h02 e0M  00:a0:98:5b:40:2a
Note that when you create an ifgrp in 8.2.x, the member ports will inherit the MAC address of the ifgrp.  E.g., a0a will have the same MAC as e0a and e0c. 

How to ping from a specific LIF:
  If you use the ping command, there’s no obvious way to see which port or LIF it’s emitting from.  You can use this command to specify which node or LIF you want to test:
>Network ping –node node1
>Network ping –lif-owner vserver1 –lif nfs_data_lif
There are also some cool options like number of packets, allow fragmentation, etc.

How to turn up/down a port:
>set advanced
> network port modify –node node1 –port e0a –up-admin true

How to list who your port is connected to:
>node run -node node1 -command cdpd show-neighbors